About Sal


Sal Ferreras has enjoyed a varied and diverse career as a performing artist and producer, educator, and artistic administrator. His music, dance, and theatre performances and collaborations in classical music, world music, jazz, new music, indigenous music, improvisation, folk, and children’s music have taken him around the world. He was principal percussionist of the CBC Vancouver Orchestra under maestro Mario Bernardi and has toured and recorded as a member of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, the Victoria Symphony Orchestra, Viveza and the World Drums percussion orchestra. During the 2010 Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Games he was the Creative Director of the highly successful Four Host First Nations Aboriginal Pavilion.

Broadcasting, Entertainment, Speaking & Concert Portfolio

Sal has an extensive portfolio of concerts, recordings, tours, festivals and other events in the world of drumming and rhythm. He has collaborated on dozens of recordings with diverse artists ranging from global drumming ensembles to children’s albums, symphony orchestras to popular rock ensembles. Highlights of his performing and producing career include:

Films, Video Soundtracks

  •  The Gathering – Four Host First Nations Video For The 2010 Olympic Winter Games (Co-Composer With Robbie Steininger)
  • We Are Here – 360º Film For The Aboriginal Pavillion At The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games (Co-Composed By Sal Ferreras And Tobin Stokes).
  • Live at CBC Studios with Safa 2011 A live performance featuring Sal Ferreras, Celso Machado, Amir Koushkani, Francois Houle, Laurence Mollerup and Cam Wilson. https://youtu.be/rfyeSn1psJQ
  • Afternoon of the Chimeras, Director Daniel Conrad 2006
  • Fix: The story of an addicted city, Director Nettie Wild 2002 (co-written with Dennis Burke)
  • Seven Universal Solvents, Director Daniel Conrad 2004
  • Six Possibilities, Director Daniel Conrad 2002
  • Deconstructing Supper, Director Marianne Kaplan 2001
  • Subways 5, Director Daniel Conrad 2001
  • Seducing the Guard, Director Daniel Conrad 1999
  • A Place called Chiapas, Director Nettie Wild 1998 (co-written with Celso Machado and Joseph Pepe Danza) (Best Documentary 1999 Genie Awards)
  • Accident by Design, Director Daniel Conrad 1997
  • Love Taps, Director Annie O’Donaghue 1995
  • Songololo, Director Marianne Kaplan 1990
  • The Rustling of Leaves, Director Nettie Wild 1988 (co-written with Joey Ayala)

Broadcasting and Public Speaking Engagements

  • Culture Days Keynote Address, City of Surrey, BC. Fall 2014
  • Sam Sullivan Public Salon Vancouver Playhouse Theatre September 2010
  • Latin American Festival Scholar’s presentation University of Central Florida, Orlando, Spring, 2007
  • Keynote Speaker Arts Umbrella Professional Development Day, Vancouver, September 2008
  • Keynote Speaker, College Music Society Northwest Chapter, Vancouver, February, 2007
  • Scholar’s presentation at Creative Music Institute Symposium in Vancouver, June 2005
  • Scholar’s presentation Society for Ethnomusicology International Conference in Tucson, Arizona, Fall 2004
  • Scholar’s presentation Society for Ethnomusicology International Conference in Estes Park, Colorado Fall 2002
  • Keynote Speaker: International Baccalaureate Conference Vancouver 1997, 2003
  • Host: CBC National Network Victoria Day special Music from the Rain Coast 1996
  • Host: CBC National Radio Network eight-part series Out of this World June-July 1992
  • Guest commentator CBC Radio’s The Entertainers series on the Rumba 1991

Artistic & Creative Director

  • Repercussion: Vancouver, International Bhangra Celebration 2009/2010
  • Multiple events at BC Scene Festival at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa 2009
  • Drum Song, video for BC/Canada House Beijing Summer Olympics 2008
  • Creative Director, Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games Four Host First Nations Aboriginal Pavilion
  • Listen Up Festival Vancouver East Cultural Centre, 2001-2006
  • Vancouver International Writers Festival Literary Cabaret, 1988-2018
  • Vancouver Folk Music Festival, 1994-1995
  • Drum Heat Percussion Festival, 1986-present
  • Commonwealth International Festival, Victoria Commonwealth Games, 1994
  • Midsummer’s Night Gala for Queen Elizabeth II, Victoria, 1994
  • Music 91 Opening Gala Canada Place Convention Centre
  • Assistant Director: World Drum Festival Expo 86 Vancouver, Expo 88 Brisbane, Australia, Calgary Olympic Festival 1988, Expo 98 Lisbon, Portugal and Expo 2000 Hanover, Germany.

Canada Council for the Arts: Juror

  • Create and Explore Grants 2024
  • Stand Firm Equity Office, 2002
  • Sound Recordings Grants, 1990, 2002
  • Cultural Diversity Adjudications, 1998
  • Touring Office Advisory, 1992-1994
  • Small Ensembles, 1992
  • Explorations, 1990-1992
  • Short Term Grants, 1991


  • Soundstreams Cool Drummings Festival Toronto 2007 and 2008
  • Aboriginal Music Lab, Vancouver Community College, Vancouver
2007, 2008
  • Choral Riffs Celebration 2010 for Vancouver’s Olympic Bid 2003
  • Open House, Commodore Ballroom events and workshops, MusicFest Vancouver (multiple years from 2000 – 2008)
  • World Music/World Myth Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 1996
  • Symphonic Salsa Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 1998

Cultural Programs

  • Aboriginal Human Resource Council, 2009 Success Story – Salvador Ferreras, PhD
  • Coordinator of World Percussion Sessions Percussive Arts Society International Conferences in Columbus, Ohio 2002 and Nashville, Tennessee 2001.
  • Programme Director of Simon Fraser’s Summer World Percussion Intensive 1993-1999
  • Project Manager, AfroCubanismo 1996 Banff School of Fine Arts
  • Project Consultant, AfroCubanismo 1994 Banff School of Fine Arts

Board Member & Advisor

  • Ontario Arts Council, 1995, 2007
  • Chalmers Award, 1996
  • Juno Awards, 1998
  • Member, Board of Governors Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation 1997 – 1999
  • Advisor – Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Project 2001 – 2004
  • Consultant – Canada’s Year of Asia Pacific 1995
  • Member, Music Advisory to the British Columbia Arts Council, 1992-95, 1997-2000
  • Member British Columbia Arts Council 2002-2008
  • Manitoba Arts Council 2021
  • Degree Quality Assessment Board of British Columbia 2018, 2021

Educator and Administrator

Dr. Sal Ferreras has been involved in the Canadian post-secondary environment since graduating from the University of Windsor in 1978. He has been an instructor and lecturer at the University of Windsor, the University of Victoria, Vancouver Community College, Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia. In 1997 he became Dean of the School of Music at Vancouver Community College and its Vice President Education in 2011. Sal was later appointed the Provost and Vice President Academic at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in September 2013 and undertook that role until 2019. His work currently encompasses a range of activities aimed at advising and advocating for innovation and integration across the Canadian post-secondary sector and assisting institutions achieve strategic, quality assurance, policy and organizational goals and their consequent implementation.

As a member the BCAIU (BC Association of Institutes and Universities) and past Chair of SAAF (the Senior Academic Administrators Forum of BC), he maintained open channels of communication and partnership between the higher education sector, diverse government ministries overseeing education, training, and research at the provincial and federal level.

His administrative work also included the nurturing of a strong connection with the BC College of Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT), BC Campus, the BC Applied Research and Innovation Network (BCARIN) and the newly formed BC Teaching and Learning Council.

Teaching and administrative appointments – University of Windsor (1978-1980, University of Victoria (1980-2000), Vancouver Community College (1997-2013), University of British Columbia (1997-2006),Kwantlen Polytechnic University (2013-2019)

  • Publications
  • Professional Associations
  • Course and Curriculum Development
  • Vancouver Community College Strategic Plans.
  • Simon Fraser University Summer Intensives.
  • Banff Centre of the Arts (residencies, AfroCubanismo 1994,1996).
  • Other Teaching Experience.
  • Workshops & Masterclasses.

Doctoral Thesis

Solo Drumming in the Puerto Rican Bomba: An analysis of musical processes and improvisational strategies [PDF 7.5mb Google Doc]

A Keynote Address

Who Are The People In Your Neighbourhood? presented by Dr. Salvador Ferreras to the Northwest Chapter of the College Music Society at Boise State University on February 17, 2007 [PDF 170k Google Doc]

Conference Presentation

A paper presented at the Society for Ethnomusicology annual conference in Tucson, Arizona, November 5, 2004 [PDF 186k Google Doc]

BC Entertainment Hall OF Fame

Sal was inducted into the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame in 2002 and awarded the City of Vancouver’s Mayor’s Award for Music in 2010. He has performed on numerous recordings with diverse artists such as including k.d. lang, Chicago, Robbie Robertson, Raffi, Colin James, Dee Daniels, Viveza, the CBC Radio Orchestra, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and a variety of chamber music ensembles.

Professional teaching
and mentoring

Simon Fraser University (2004 – 2010)

Sessional Instructor, World Music: An intensive survey of contemporary and traditional musical styles and techniques. This popular course was open to all undergraduates and aimed at familiarizing students with real music making around the globe as portrayed by writers, performing artists, commentators and social critics.

University of British Columbia (1997 – 2006)

Sessional instructor, principal percussion instructor for undergraduate and graduate students; taught percussion pedagogy, directed the percussion ensemble and taught courses in music business management.

University of Victoria – Sessional Instructor 1980-2000

Sessional instructor, principal percussion instructor for undergraduate and graduate students; taught percussion pedagogy, directed the percussion ensemble and taught courses in music business management.

Vancouver Community College (1991 – 2006)

World Music Coordinator

World Music survey courses examining selected world regions emphasizing popular music expressions, sociopolitical realities, representation and improvisation.

Rhythm Studies – Basic and advanced course aimed at the development of multiple rhythm techniques for sight reading, analysis, rhythm in contemporary music composition, Cuban and African rhythmic concepts and basic Classical South Indian Solkattu exercises.

Career Opportunities – a course designed to help the aspiring student navigate the difficult waters of the music business, recording, touring, and management.

Musical Director – Vancouver Community College Latin Jazz Ensemble
Vancouver Community College Latin Percussion Ensemble

Summary of Teaching Experience

  • Vancouver Community College – Regular Instructor 1991-2006
  • University of British Columbia – Sessional Instructor 1997-2006
  • Simon Fraser University – Sessional Instructor 1997-2010
  • University of Victoria – Sessional Instructor 1980-2000
  • University of Windsor – Sessional Instructor 1978-1980

Professional Associations

  • BC Association of Institutes and Universities, 2013-2019 Principal lobby group for the teaching universities and institutes in BC. Member as Provost and Vice President Academic
  • Faculty member of Vice President’s National Educational Leadership Institute 2014-2018 Colleges and Institutes Canada
  • Faculty member Leadership Development Institute for Deans and Directors, Association of Canadian Community Colleges 2009-2011.
  • Musicians Association, American Federation of Musicians Local 145, Vancouver 1980 – Present.

Workshops & Masterclasses :

  • University of Toronto
  • York University
  • Banff Centre of the Arts
  • University of Western Ontario
  • Dalhousie University
  • University of Missouri, Kansas City
  • Sun Yat Sen Performing Arts Centre-Taipei
  • Memorial University St. John’s Newfoundland
  • University of Guelph
  • Western University
  • Capilano University
  • Mount Allison University
  • Douglas College

notable achievements


West Coast Music Awards

Best Contemporary Music Recording “To Drive in L.A.”


Juno Nominee

“Invisible Minority”


BC Entertainment Hall of Fame


City of Vancouver Music Award